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vol.12 número1-2A mídia e o processo de pulverização da figura do sujeito cerebralO adolescente em reclusão e a instituição privativa de liberdade: A reciprocidade da violência na contemporaneidade índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

versão impressa ISSN 1518-6148


MELAZO, Ana Paula Soares Ferreira  e  PARAVIDINI, João Luiz Leitão. The solidarity discourse in the face of new forms of subjectivation. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj [online]. 2012, vol.12, n.1-2, pp.101-134. ISSN 1518-6148.

In contemporary sociocultural context and in political and instinctual economies, hedonism and the imperative of enjoyment prevail. Alterity causes discomfort to the individual, since it generates a narcissistic instability of the self. Individualistic and narcissistic perspectives predominate in interpersonal relationships, in which the other becomes object. In parallel to the self-centered subjectivation process, there is, in contemporaneity, an accelerated development of technical devices for the management of the third sector. Solidarity has never been so mentioned, even in the face of the absence of social ties. The exacerbation of solidary speeches seems to indicate a social symptom of what is of the realm of subjectivity. The start point is the idea that this discursive logic of solidarity, in a narcissistic society, may indicate the existence of psychic mechanisms in contemporary society. In order to develop this discussion, the concept of helplessness is employed, understood as a source of psychological disorders, which lead to subjective constructions, intended to avoid pain. In addition, as a central point, the concept of sovereignty is taken, from which it is understood that subjectivities tend to choose and assign another omnipotent figure as having authority over themselves. However, in actuality, with the losses of central reference figures (God, Father, State etc.), individuals tend to feel helpless and start to search for new figures with whom they can relate vertically. In parallel to this, becomes evident a discursive logic, linked to Lacanian concepts of discourse of the master and discourse of the capitalist, in which the subjects of the solidarity action can take the place of sovereignty, sustaining a knowledge and an action in relation to the pain of the other, offering him a destination. Proposals for counteract these mechanisms are discussed, with the prospect of resumption of sovereignty for the individualities and horizontalization of social ties.

Palavras-chave : Psychoanalysis; solidarity; contemporaneity; helplessness; discursive logic.

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