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vol.13 número3-4Psicoterapia infantil em grupo: possibilidades de escuta de subjetividadesO analista gestor índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

versão impressa ISSN 1518-6148


RESENDE, Camila Miranda de Amorim  e  SZAPIRO, Ana Maria. Interweaving health and disease: the condition of seropositivity for HVI in the context of worship of a healthy living. Rev.Mal-Estar Subj [online]. 2013, vol.13, n.3-4, pp.711-730. ISSN 1518-6148.

From a study on the speech analysis of five adolescents infected with HIV through vertical transmission treated in a health unit in Rio de Janeiro, we investigate the contemporary ideal of living a healthy life. Such condition points to a very complex process of subjectivation, according to the HIV virus being transmitted by the parents. On one hand, this case can´t be considered as a consequence of an individual choice about risky behavior - as it´s usually pointed as the reason for most of HIV transmission cases. On the other hand, it requires from the individual a hard management to keep a healthy existence and that´s because it involves the permanent care of his/her own health and also recommendations to others health in order not to transmit the HIV virus. Under the light of the potentialized risk management, those under a seropositivity condition find themselves marked by an intense device of standardization, which are submitted to the rules of welfare according the requirements of the prevention speech since they were born. Finally, we think that the peculiarity of seropositive status for HIV by vertical transmission opens the possibility to ask ourselves the actual understanding to the opposition between health and disease that, exemplified by this case, calls for a status of "in between", interweaving health and disease.

Palavras-chave : HIV; adolescents; risk; vulnerability; contemporaneity.

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