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vol.19 número especialO povo indígena tupinikim no contexto do desastre ambiental no rio doce índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Psicologia Política

versão On-line ISSN 2175-1390


CARLOS, Euzeneia. Mobilizing civil society: organizational innovation and repertoire of contention in the river Doce disaster. Rev. psicol. polít. [online]. 2019, vol.19, n.spe, pp.08-28. ISSN 2175-1390.

I analyze the social mobilization in the social-environmental disaster of the Doce river, in the context of conflicting relations between civil society, corporations and state. I argue that in the contexto of disaster emerged changes in the collective action that characterizes processes of organizational innovation: (a) in the emergence of new activisms, increase of civil associations and new organizational formats and; (b) in the repertoires of contention characterized by a combination of extra-institutional actions, institutional actions and multi-scale tactic. I also argue that transformations in collective action are linked to two elements that encourage the mobilizations: (a) the political and institutional constraints imposed by the disaster governance system on participation and recognition of affected people; and (b) preexisting organizations which played a fundamental role in mobilizing those affected, functioning as incubators for the contentious social movement by acting in its organizational and identity formation.

Palavras-chave : Mobilizations; Organizational innovation; Repertoires of contention; Fundao dam rupture; Doce river disaster.

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