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vol.4 número4Algumas experiências em psicoterapia de grupo. A visão do psicoterapeuta, do paciente e do observador índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista da SPAGESP

versão impressa ISSN 1677-2970


KAES, René. The polyphony of the dream and its two navels.: The common and shared oneiric spaces. Rev. SPAGESP [online]. 2003, vol.4, n.4, pp.01-14. ISSN 1677-2970.

This article is an introduction to the analysis of the oneiric experience when the relation between the dreamers and their dreams is crossed by other dreamers’ dreams. Using Freud’s metaphor, the author assumes that there are two navels of the dream: one anchored to the psychosomatic, and the other to the interpsychic mycelium. Both are based on the “unknown” where the dreams come from. From this point of view come the notions of the common and shared oneiric space, as well as the polyphony of the dream. They are put to the proof in different psychoanalytical ways: the neurotic and the borderline or psychotic’s individual healing, the group, the couple and the family.

Palavras-chave : Common and shared oneiric spaces; Navels of the dream; Polyphony of the dream; Dream; Group dreams.

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