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versão impressa ISSN 1806-2490


MARINHO, Guadalupe. Violence in personality disorders: characteristics, meaning and functions. Vínculo [online]. 2019, vol.16, n.1, pp.41-51. ISSN 1806-2490.

Violence is a complex phenomenon that assumes different perspectives according to the individuals involved, the severity, the frequency and the context in which it occurs. It is also a major public health problem and a major cause of mortality in all regions of the world. Some studies affirm that the practice of violence is influenced by different personality parameters, namely, the ability to control impulses and the regulation of affects. These two dimensions are largely affected in many of the individuals diagnosed with personality disorder. This relationship between personality disorder and violence has been thoroughly investigated, with a higher prevalence of self-mutilation, suicide and violence directed at others in individuals with this disorder. The understanding of the violent gestures that patients with personality disorders frequently resort to, knowing their characteristics, meaning and functions, assume a high relevance for the establishment of an empathic therapeutic relationship. This relationship is essential for the treatment of these individuals, which in turn is indispensable for effective reduction of violence associated with the disorder.

Palavras-chave : Personality disorder; Violence.

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