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vol.11 número21A luta de uma mulher contra a dependência química: Um olhar da Gestalt-terapiaA Presença, a relação, o afeto e o afetar.: Observando práticas grupais índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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IGT na Rede

versão On-line ISSN 1807-2526


GUSMAO, Lilian Vanessa Nicácio. As polaridades do feminino na contemporaneidade e a depressão pós-parto: uma visão gestálticaThe polarities of the feminine in contemporary and postpartum depression: a gestalt view. IGT rede [online]. 2014, vol.11, n.21, pp.308-321. ISSN 1807-2526.

To discuss the woman’s part in the conteporaneous society and to create relationship between the feminists polarities in this actual times and the pos partum depression is the objective of this present article. Starting from a concise discussion about the woman’s place in the actual days, making a cut that attributes a critical conotation in multiples spaces accumulating journeys of work, assuming social parts. In the midst of the parts assumed there is one very conflicted and averloaded that is to be a mother, taking this woman to instability and getting sick on the pos partum depression, working well in only one of the polarities. According to the Gestalt therapy the human being is a conglomerate of polarities forces that interrelate to each other, when a person has a particular conduct, this person is working in only one of the possible polarities, because when a person is working in one of the ways the other is automatically off. In the mean time any polarity doesn’t work without the other. The propose of Gestalt therapy work is the possibility to ivite the woman to know about her polarities making possible a healthy, constructive joyful relation to herself.

Palavras-chave : Feminino; Gestalt-terapia; Depressão pós-parto; Polaridades; Female; Gestalt therapy; Post partum depression; Polarities.

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