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vol.7 número2Diante de janelas: fronteiras entre público e privado na (pós)modernidade índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

versão On-line ISSN 1808-4281


NOGUEIRA, Heloisa Guimarães Peixoto. Facades, bars and rats: a post-modern look over the city. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. 2007, vol.7, n.2. ISSN 1808-4281.

The author doesn't propose to discuss the happenings but the recognition of the production of sense of the literary construct in a city which detaches itself, as a center, glimpsed in Rubem Fonseca's short story “The art of walking on Rio de Janeiro's streets”. The metaphor of the origin loss is applied to the deformation of the city as an architectural body, memories and social mentalities' body, and it is also applied to the writing body, symbolic language which recreates the real of the city through the force of the imaginary. Simultaneously, reality fuses with fiction and detaches from it forming new metaphorical syntaxes.

Palavras-chave : City; Memories; Languages.

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