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vol.20 número1O Trabalho como Potencialidade Subjetiva na Experiência MigratóriaA Histórica Multiplicidade da Psicologia Social índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

versão On-line ISSN 1808-4281


BORGES, Roselania Francisconi. The contributions of Psychology to the ideals of the Brazilian Mental Hygiene League: some considerations. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. 2020, vol.20, n.1, pp.330-352. ISSN 1808-4281.

Scientific psychology is a historical outcome shaped by a theoretical and methodological diversity that, nationwide, was established at the end of the XIXth century and the beginning of the XXth. Bearing said diversity in mind, this study makes a cutout and addresses the collaboration between psychology and the Brazilian Mental Hygiene League (BMHL), regarding the assessment of individual differences. The hygienist movement, materialized by the BMHL, exercised a profound influence over psychological conducts which in turn acted as scientific support for the enforcement of public policies directed towards a normality standard, by means of selecting those considered capable and incapable, either by factors concerning conduct and behavior patterns, either by factors related to learning academic contents. Nowadays, facing countless attempts to establish conservative guidelines for public policies, the majority of psychologists strive to understand in what manner their specific knowledge is able to contribute to increase progress and avoid regression. To foster the reflection provided by scientific psychology might be an alternative to the historical pursue of a normality standard. A century past, this seems to remain an urgent and necessary task for Psychology.

Palavras-chave : Scientific Psychology; Brazilian Mental Hygiene League; hygienist movement; assessment of individual differences.

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