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Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica

versão impressa ISSN 1809-6867


SILVA, Rafaella Brito e  e  BOAVENTURA, Carolina Brum Faria. Psycho-oncology and Gestalt-therapy: a possible and necessary dialogue. Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2011, vol.17, n.1, pp.37-46. ISSN 1809-6867.

Cancer is a disease which brings about significant physical and psychological change for those who experience it, since it is an environmental and psychophysical stressor. Growing ill is a unique process for each individual and accordingly there are several ways of coping. This work proposes a reflection on the contributions which Gestalt therapy can offer to counselling in the field of Psycho-oncology. Gestalt therapy allows the patient the possibility to take another view on his illness, which at first seems shattering but afterwards may prove to be a transformative experience. Therefore, by knowing more deeply the dynamics and the meaning which the disease has on his life, the patient is able to become an active part of the recovery process, as he understands how emotions and subjectivity interfere directly or indirectly in this process.

Palavras-chave : Gestalt therapy; Cancer; Psycho-oncology.

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