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Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica
versão impressa ISSN 1809-6867
FERNANDES, Marcos Aurélio. From subject to presence as transitivity to being: the challenge of a epochal passage under the optical of the thoughts of Heidegger. Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2013, vol.19, n.1, pp.60-68. ISSN 1809-6867.
The present text arises from the contemporaneity of man's situation. It deals with the situation of a critical transition. Crisis, however, is a risk and an opportunity. The risk is in the desolation arising from the forgottenness of being. The opportunity (kairós) is in the appeal of the future which touches man, that is, the appeal to establish an openness, a space for liberty, that let be being as such. It is an opportunity for a radical transformation of man: From subject, master of being, characterized by his autonomy or will to power, to presence (Dasein), in which man encounter his humanity as shepherd (caretaker) of being as such. The article moves on, opening a way of reflection, traversing with Heidegger this passage from subject to presence; afterwards, thematise the ontological sense of existence as liberty or exposure to being in its totality and insistence to openness to being as such. Finally, it seeks to point out the care, the fundamental dynamic of existence, as transitivity, or as the foundation of the "there": from the openness of being as such and in its totality.
Palavras-chave : subject; presence; existence; liberty; care; being; being as such.