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vol.26 número3Peaceful Warrior (2006), de Dan Millman: perspectivas existenciais na contemporaneidadeA esperança como ajustamento criativo: reflexões dos processos de saúde, doença e morte em gestalt terapia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica

versão impressa ISSN 1809-6867


SOUSA, Adria De Lima; THUROW, Charlene Fernanda; RODRIGUES, Gabriela  e  SCHNEIDER, Daniela Ribeiro. Dialogues of existencialist psychology with the concept of territory. Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2020, vol.26, n.3, pp.339-349. ISSN 1809-6867.

Jean-Paul Sartre, based on the phenomenological method and existentialist philosophy, described human reality as freedom in situation, understood in the indissoluble unity between itself and itself, that is, between freedom and facticity. Existence of the subject is not given abstractly, it occurs in a concrete space, circumscribed in materiality and acquires meaning in the light of the project of being. In defining the concept of situation, Sartre uses the notions of "my place" and "my surroundings", portraying materiality as a boundary condition of freedom. From this notion of spatiality, the present work aims to establish relations between the Sartrian concept of situation, as defined in Being and Nothingness, and the concept of territory used in several areas of knowledge that approach the relation between person and environment, such as geography, anthropology, ethology, psychology and other areas of health. The multiple possibilities of interdisciplinary interlocution of the notion of territory result from the dynamics of the concept, which is not limited to the physical environment, but brings together social and symbolic aspects in an integrated and dialectical way. Discussing the approximations between the concepts of territory, territoriality and situation contribute to the interdisciplinarity of the different areas that use them in professional practice.

Palavras-chave : Territory; Existentialism; Place; Surroundings; Territorialities.

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