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vol.19 número2Gênero e trabalho na psicologia: revisão sistemática e metanálise qualitativaSer policial militar: reflexos na vida pessoal e nos relacionamentos índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Psicologia Organizações e Trabalho

versão On-line ISSN 1984-6657


TEIXEIRA, Fabíola Dalprat  e  PREBIANCHI, Helena Bazanelli. Health professionals' commitment, stress, and satisfaction with life. Rev. Psicol., Organ. Trab. [online]. 2019, vol.19, n.2, pp.598-606. ISSN 1984-6657.

Work is part of the personal and social identity of individuals, affecting their psychological state, determining relationships and ties at different emotional levels. This study, unprecedented in the area, provides assistance for improving people management in health organizations. This research aimed to identify, describe, and analyze the relationships between commitment, stress, and satisfaction with life. Participants included 120 health professionals, with a mean age of 36.6 years, who had worked in the institution for more than 4 years. They answered a Sociodemographic Data Sheet; the Scales of Commitment; the Perceived Stress Scale; and the Life Satisfaction Scale. The data showed a high level of general and affective organizational commitment; a medium level of normative commitment; a low level of calculative commitment, and high satisfaction with life. Commitment presented a positive correlation with satisfaction, a negative one with stress, and there was a negative correlation between satisfaction and stress.

Palavras-chave : Commitment; stress; satisfaction with life.

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