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vol.4 número3Teste de avaliação da compreensão de expressões irónicas e sarcásticas: análise acústica e perceptual índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Neuropsicologia Latinoamericana

versão On-line ISSN 2075-9479


ROMAN, Fabián  e  ARGENCOG et al. Standardization of the Eyes Test in Spanish speaking adult normal subjects in Buenos Aires. Neuropsicologia Latinoamericana [online]. 2012, vol.4, n.3, pp.1-5. ISSN 2075-9479.

The Theory of the Mind, term proposed by Premack and Woodruff, refers to the ability to make inferences over the mental states of other subjects, involving the comprehension and prediction of the conduct of others, their knowledge, intentions and believes. The Eyes Test of Baron-Cohen is one of the most used instruments in the clinical practice to evaluate TOM skills in various pathologies as autism, Asperger Syndrome, schizophrenia and dementia, among others. Despite all the investigations there is no standardization of the test in Spanish speaking subjects. The aim of this work is to determine the standardization of the Eyes Test in Spanish speaking subjects. 210 normal subjects from the general population were evaluated with the Spanish version adapted to our population of the Eyes Test of Baron Cohen (2001). Median 23.36 and standard deviation 4.87 from the Eyes Test were obtained in the total subjects and subgroups divided by age and education. For sex recognition the general media was 34.33 and the standard deviation 2.06. A better performance in the total score of Eyes Test was observed at a greater educational level (r=0.32, p<0.001) and a less performance in the group aged greater than 75 years (r=-0.14; p<0.03). The present normalization of the test in control subjects according to the age and educational level provides standardization and demonstrates the implications of the age and education in the results.

Palavras-chave : Theory of the Mind; Eyes Test; Standardization; Normalization.

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