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vol.10 número1Tecendo fios de ouro numa terapia ocupacional hibridizada com a arteA gestaltpedagogia como uma estratégia de inclusão paras as crianças autistas em escolas regulares índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista do NUFEN

versão On-line ISSN 2175-2591


FLORES, Andréa Bentes  e  BAYMA, Roberta Bentes Flores. The potencial care in the Generous Theater: dialogue between theatricality and a Gestalt Therapy. Rev. NUFEN [online]. 2018, vol.10, n.1, pp.160-176. ISSN 2175-2591.

In this text, we feature reflections on the proposal of Generous Theater, specifically the scenic experiment called "Ô, de Casa, Posso Entrar para Cuidar?", as a healing potential. The poetic writing is produced in the intimacy of the space of encounter between the authors, following the proposal of the experiment on which we are dedicated to think here, developing understandings situated between the theatrical field and Gestalt-Therapy perspectives, encompassing not only theoretical contributions, as well as affections, experiences reports and experiential memories, in a texture of affections, explicitly situated in the relation between the authors and their fields of action. We consider care into the perspective of attention and commitment to the other, as a fundamental dimension to the understanding of the self-in-the-world. We weave the perception of the scenic acts of the Generous Theater as existential acts that occur in the relationship between the narrator actresses and the public. We conclude by discussing the encounter that occurs in the approach between the audience and the narrator actresses during the existential acts, admitting the evocation of questions about the experience between them, where they locate the potential care and other reverberations among Theater and Psychology.

Palavras-chave : Care; Generous Theater; Gestalt-therapy; Encounter, Extended clinic.

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