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vol.7 número2Voces desde el armario… prejuicios y discriminaciones hacia personas LGBT en el SalvadorA socioeducação nos tempos de cólera* índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista EPOS

versão On-line ISSN 2178-700X


CAZEIRO, Felipe et al. Lives that are (trans) formed and do not run out: Health Promotion in the Ressocialization Center Of Cuiabá-MT. Rev. Epos [online]. 2016, vol.7, n.2, pp.27-41. ISSN 2178-700X.

This article is the product of an internship experience in Psychology and aims to critically analyze the functioning of the prison system of Cuiabá-MT, as well as the participation of the Psychology professional in this context, more specifically in the Centro de Ressocialização de Cuiabá – CRC. Using the field research techniques of qualitative approach, the objective was to know, strengthen and recognize the performance of Psychologists within the criminal units. Therefore, this work acquires importance to demonstrate the local reality of the prison system of Mato Grosso, as well as to affirm the processes of health production and possible resocialization within a prison institution, besides subsidizing data for a probable comparison with other historical realities Geographical areas.

Palavras-chave : LGBT; penitentiary system; resocialization; psychology and health.

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