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versão On-line ISSN 2318-9282


REIS, Alice Vignoli  e  ALVIM, M?nica Botelho. From a city in fragments to a city as a place to play: the invention of a ludic research methodology. Desidades [online]. 2021, n.30, pp.51-68. ISSN 2318-9282.

ABSTRACT This article discusses a research process lived in partnership with children and adolescents from Favela da Mangueira, Brasil, in which the possibilities of reinvention of a fragmented urban space, marked by the corporal and territorial distinction of rights, were investigated. Clinical-artistic experimentation exercises were developed, which aimed to denaturalize the perception of these habitual modes of habitation and circulation in the space of the city, anchored in segregating and violent logics. The effort to build a horizontal research with children and adolescents ended up leading to the invention of playful devices for research and experimentation in urban space. These devices signaled to us the possibility of proposing a playful logic of occupying public space as a way of opposing the instituted modes of social order of power and the importance of learning from the children's ways of knowing and researching the world.

Palavras-chave : right to the city; childhood; clinic; art; play.

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