42 2Effectiveness of a Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention for Puerto Rican Children 
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Interamerican Journal of Psychology

 ISSN 0034-9690

SEMER, Norma Lottenberg et al. Psychic changes: the rorschach, the psychoanalytical process and the analyst-analysand relationship. Interam. j. psychol. []. 2008, 42, 2, pp.187-194. ISSN 0034-9690.

The authors intend to articulate the clinical and theoretical frames of references in an empirical context of a psychoanalytical investigation. Four young women with borderline disorder were assisted in psychoanalytic psychotherapy at the outpatient psychotherapeutic public service of a Medical School. The Rorschach test, Comprehensive System, was administrated before the treatment and once a year. After one year of therapy it was possible to correlate the participants’ psychic changes detected by the Rorschach with the changes occurred in the psychoanalytic setting. In some situations, it was possible for the analyst to build together with the analysand new representations and elaborations. In other moments, due to the violence and intensity of the emotions lived in the experience with the analysand, acting outs were enacted by the therapist, what could be recognized and overcome latter.

: Psychic changes; Rorschach; Psychotherapy; Psychoanalytical process.

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