Interamerican Journal of Psychology
ISSN 0034-9690
PIZZINATO, Adolfo SARRIERA, Jorge Castellá. Identity: elements of ethnicity among students. Interam. j. psychol. []. 2008, 42, 2, pp.298-306. ISSN 0034-9690.
The ethnicity has been discussed thoroughly on psychology and social sciences, by different investigations. However, the ethnicity and the ethnic identity, still do not constitutes a focus of attention in Brazil. The objective of this work is to discusse the themes regarding the ethnicity, presenting the results of a research developed among students, immigrants and not-immigrants - on Porto Alegre (Brazil). The results present affinity with investigations in other contexts, considering macro-contextual aspects (as the migrations and the globalization) and micro-contextual aspects (the border situation and local history). Was detected an tendency of identity’s hibridization between both groups, indicating an adaptative process by the immigrants and a maintenance of the local ethnic migratory identity roots by the other participants.
: Ethnicity; Identity; Immigration; Childhood.