Interamerican Journal of Psychology
ISSN 0034-9690
DAKDUK, Silvana; GONZALEZ, Adriana MONTILLA, Vanessa. The relations between sociodemographics and psychological variables, work conditions and the meaning of working. Interam. j. psychol. []. 2008, 42, 2, pp.390-401. ISSN 0034-9690.
Research had the purpose of examining the relations between behaviour pattern, external locus of control, socio-economical level, educational level, sex, work condition and the components of the meaning of working. Sample was composed of 300 individuals with 20-40 years. One found that workers do give great importance to work in their lives, but if compared to other issues family came as the most important issue for them. Furthermore, the most valued result of work is the income obtained. Informal workers attributed more importance to this result of work. Alternative and formal employees give more importance to opportunity of learning new things, stability of work and having good physical conditions.
: Meaning of working; Work conditions; Behavior pattern; External locus of control; Socioeconomical level and educational level.