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 ISSN 0102-7395

COUTINHO, Alberto Henrique Soares de Azeredo. Suicide and social bond. Reverso []. 2010, 32, 59, pp.61-69. ISSN 0102-7395.

D. E. Durkheim (1897) has shown with his famous work that suicide goes beyond the moral connotation under it was seen so far and that it is a typically social phenomenon, offering us a new sight of this radical act and raising some crucial questions about it. Is suicide a rupture of the social bond or a last desperate try to get it? Is suicide always a message sent to the Other? Is the suicidal person always under overwhelming anguish or can he commit his act in complete serenity? Can the therapeutic bond between the analyst and the suicidal person avoid that he commit his last act? Which act is this?

: Suicide; Social bond; Suicide and sociology; Suicide messages; Suicide and psychoanalysis; Suicidal-psychoanalyst therapeutic bond.

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