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 ISSN 0102-7395

OLIVEIRA, Edson Santos de. Melancholic traces in Guimarães Rosa: a reading of ‘Páramo’, from ‘Estas Estórias’. Reverso []. 2010, 32, 59, pp.71-75. ISSN 0102-7395.

The present article aims at demonstrating how Guimarães Rosa, in the tale ‘Páramo’, from ‘Estas Estórias’, inaugurates a fictional stage of melancholy. The Rosian text suffers a gradual condensation as it advances and the melancholic resonances of this narrative function as a rigorous exercise of writing subtraction in search of silence, continuing Tutameia’s subtractive operations.

: Vazio; Melancholy; Silence; Emptiness; Subtraction; Disappearance.

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