ISSN 0104-6578
VIEIRA, Ana Caroline Sari RAVA, Paula Grazziotin Silveira. Full nest: a new stage of family life cycle?. Barbaroi []. 2010, 33, pp.118-134. ISSN 0104-6578.
This article aims to indicate aspects involved in the young adult's process of remaining at their parents' home, specifically in the relationship with this family of origin. This study was developed through the revision of some authors of the ecological-systemic approach. The question of leaving the parent's home, that is an important moment of familiar and individual development, has been modified because nowadays we observed in large scale the inverse phenomenon, that is the young adult's process of remaining for more time at their parents' home. Today we realize a difference in the empty nest, stage that was the time that parents remained alone at home, for the full nest stage, when the family leaves together
: young adult; family life cycle; full nest.