34Depresión y/o codependencia en mujeres: necesidad de un diagnóstico diferencialEspelho, espelho meu, existe alguém mais bela do que eu?: Uma reflexão sobre o valor do corpo na atualidade e a construção da subjetividade feminina 
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 ISSN 0104-6578

SANTIN, Gisele    KLAFKE, Teresinha Eduardes. The family and care in mental health. Barbaroi []. 2011, 34, pp.146-160. ISSN 0104-6578.

This paper discusses the care of the patient with psychological distress within the family environment. There will be a brief theoretical review of the psychiatric amendment and the role of the family as caregiver, being addressed issues such as overload and difficulties encountered by families, support networks and support to relatives, the impact of mental illness in the family, among others. The text has as the "background" the experience of the Group of Relatives, which exists in the Center of Phychosocial Attention (CAPS I) in a small town in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

: Care; Family; Mental Health.

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