ISSN 0104-6578
GOMES, Daniel de Oliveira. Blanchot injured with fire. Barbaroi []. 2011, 34, pp.188-197. ISSN 0104-6578.
This essay deals specifically with Maurice Blanchot's philosophic and literary work. It aims to raise such a blachotianian confabulation into its fascinant question of word, literature and their meanings for Blanchot himself, avowing some flaming and unavoidable despair and contamination. At approaching Blanchot from these literary space paradoxes, we want to demonstrate methodologically the author's and the way by which he always has put philosophy against itself. We ask: At what point does Blanchot wears a kafkian infantility in his open commitment towards writing? So reading Blanchot is only possible with a sign like a fire-hurting, the loss of memory that one can feel under a gun pointed to his head.
: Blanchot; Memory; Kafka; Philosophy.