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 ISSN 0104-6578

CAVALCANTI, Patrícia Barreto et al. The intersectoral approach while social service professional strategy on health. Barbaroi []. 2013, 39, pp.192-215. ISSN 0104-6578.

The article in screen is product of theoretical reflections that comes being carried through since 2012, in the Sector of Studies and Research in Health and Social Service, in the context of the implementation of the research project "Social Service, health policy and Intersectoral: Repercussions, challenges and perspectives for the Social Assistant in the basic attention. The objective of this article is to contribute for discussion concerning the strategy of the Intersectoriality for if understanding that it comes if constituting in a strategy frequently used in the professional activity of the Social Assistants, presenting paradoxicalally, still incipient a scientific production in the scope of the Social Service in relation to the joint between the cited strategy and the practical professional. The produced intersectoral arrangements in the partner-occupational spaces for the confrontation of the expressions of the social matter have had the protagonism of the Social Service, when the politics of basic attention in health is analyzed. The social determination that if articulate to the process health-illness have provoked an intense volume of demands to the attendance net, needing, therefore, of an integral confrontation in the resolutividade search. The longed for completeness, prints the necessity of the construction of sectorial arrangements and in the continuation of this process the interventions of the Social Assistants if have shown important links in the itinerary that the user covers inside of the System of Health.

: Intersectoral; Social Service; Primary Health Care.

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