55 4Uma visão particularíssima de BionSupervisão e a dicção poética do sonho 
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Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise

 ISSN 0486-641X

MONCAYO, Raul. The supervisor supposed to know: Lacanian perspectives on control analysis.Mariana Ali Mies. Rev. bras. psicanál []. 2021, 55, 4, pp.69-89. ISSN 0486-641X.

The task of control analysis is to preserve the evolutionary impetus and edge of psychoanalysis and prevent the inertia towards the lowest common denominator, and the degeneration of evolved ideas and practices into common assumptions and prejudices. A psychoanalytic organization needs to maintain standards while also preserving the organization as a vibrant and dynamic site for the continuing development and re-invention of psychoanalysis as a living symbolic structure. Through a control analysis every analyst acquires a unique analytical style that does not refer to ego preferences and idiosyncrasies, but to a singular and new subjective articulation of the pre-existing elements of a traditional structure. Without a personal analysis, the analysis of the countertransference and of projective identification in supervision can function as a resistance to the personal analysis which is the most important factor for the self-authorization of the analyst within a psychoanalytic organization. The analyst is not authorized by supervision or the supervisor, but by the personal analytical experience with the unconscious, the symptom, and its post-analytical effects in the form of what Lacan calls the sinthome. Lacan said that at the end of analysis, the analysand or the future analyst does not identify with the analyst, but rather with his/her sinthome.

: control analysis; supervision as resistance; sinthome; authorization; the supervisor supposed to know.

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