Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise
ISSN 0486-641X
GRUNEWALD-ZEMSCH, Gisela. Supervision in psychoanalytic training in the Eitingon model: history, controversies, developmental lines.Elsa Vera Kunze Post Susemihl. Rev. bras. psicanál []. 2021, 55, 4, pp.137-157. ISSN 0486-641X.
Training supervision is an essential event in psychoanalytic training. This study reveals how and from what competence and identity can be developed, and also if there may be an inhibiting effect. At the same time, it is always about an emotional relationship between supervisor and supervised during the training supervision process, permeated with their own learning and didatics experiences, which are constituted of unconscious material and anchored in the semi-public scope of the Institute. In this paper, the history of training supervision is recapitulated, and its conflict related to the ''teach-or-treat'' controversy is approached. Moreover, a viewpoint on the most used psychoanalytic theories in the supervision process is introduced. Consequently, even in more 'rational' contexts, a constellation, as well as a partially unconscious, emotional relational dynamics between the supervised and the supervisor are always updated.
: training supervision relationship; history; control-analysis; teach or treat; institutional entanglements.