Cuadernos de neuropsicología
ISSN 0718-4123
GARCIA-MOLINA, Alberto ROIG-ROVIRA, Teresa. Misconceptions on neuropsychological rehabilitation and traumatic brain injury. Cuad. neuropsicol. []. 2013, 7, 2, pp.19-28. ISSN 0718-4123.
There are many misconceptions about traumatic brain injuries, their recovery and outcome; misconceptions that have their origin in a lack of information influenced by the image that the media show of the brain damage. Development. Based on clinical experience, the authors of this essay sets out his personal view on some of the most frequent misconceptions in the field of neuropsychological rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury: 1) All deficits are evident; 2) The recovery depends mainly on the involvement of the patient: more effort, more rapid recovery; 3) Two years after traumatic brain injury there is no possibility of improvement and recovery; and 4) The "miracle" of recovery will occur when is found the appropriate professional or treatment. These and other beliefs may influence directly or indirectly on the recovery process and the expectations placed on it by the families and patients. Conclusions. Provide accurate, clear and honest information, at the right time, helps patients and their families to better understand the deficits, the course of recovery and to adapt to the new reality resulting from a traumatic brain injury.
: Traumatic brain injury; neuropsychology; rehabilitation; recovery; outcome; information; misconceptions; essay.