Temas em Psicologia
ISSN 1413-389X
GOMES, William B SOUZA, Mariane L. Ethics and phenomenology in the graduation in Psychology. Temas psicol. []. 2000, 8, 2, pp.183-193. ISSN 1413-389X.
This analysis refers to the Article 12, item "a" from the proposal for the New Curricular Directions for the training in Psychology, in Brazilian institutions of higher education. A Committee of Teaching Specialists in Psychology from the Secretary of Education, Federal Government, has prepared the proposal and, sent it to the appreciation of the National Council of Education, in October 1999. According to that item the education in Psychology should develop critical sense in the students, so that they would be able to evaluate all the different theories and methodologies in the area. This study suggests how reflexive, empiric and descriptive phenomenology may contribute to the development of ethical and epistemological criticism. For that, it should be used language tropes to elucidate the representative structures, which are attributed to the relationship between object and concept, in different contextual possibilities. The analysis presented has concluded that the critical analysis should be guided by the ethics for discovery (self-reassurance) and not by the ethics of bias.
: phenomenology; training; ethics; semiotics; psychology.