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Temas em Psicologia

 ISSN 1413-389X

RITA DE CASSIA, Gandini. Breast cancer: commitment to work mastectomy's consequences. Temas psicol. []. 2010, 18, 2, pp.449-456. ISSN 1413-389X.

This research evaluated by the Operationalized Adaptive Diagnostic Scale - EDAO, the adaptive sectors of the Productivity - Pr and Organic - Or, identified the Factors - F and Micro-factors - MF, either positive or negative referred sectors and compared the results intra and intergroup. They were distributed in three groups (N=30) at the time of postsurgery after mastectomy with breast cancer: three months, group 1 (G1, N = 10), one year, group 2 (G2, N = 11) and two years, group 3 (G3, N = 9). The results indicated differences statistically significant at the Productivity - Pr and Pr/R, being G3 more than G1; positive correlation between the scores the Pr and the Or in G1 and Pr Factors, being Factors positive more than Factors negative in G1, G2 and G3; organic Factors, being Factors negative more than Or Factors positive in G1, and organic Micro-factors, being Micro-factors positive more than Micro-factors negative in G2.

: Breast cancer; Mastectomy; EDAO; Productivity; Work.

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