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Temas em Psicologia

 ISSN 1413-389X

LOPEZ, Marcela; AGUILAR, María José    ZABALETTA, Verónica. Scholar stress perceptions and cortisol circadian rhythm in turner's syndrome. Temas psicol. []. 2014, 22, 2, pp.529-538. ISSN 1413-389X.  https://doi.org/10.9788/TP2014.2-20.

Turner's syndrome corresponds to one of the chromosomal disorders, not inheritable, with the highest population incidence. The physical, neuropsychological and psychosocial particularities, related to the expression of the syndrome, position women with this diagnosis as a population potentially vulnerable to stress. The aim of the work was to analyze comparatively two measures of stress in girls and teenagers with diagnosis of Turner's syndrome, their stress perception across the Questionnaire for school stress and the circadian cortisol slope determined by salivary cortisol. The analysis of the information from the questionnaire shows average and low levels of school stress. However, an alteration of cortisol slope with high evening values was observed in every participant, independent from the stage of pubertal development, their karyotype and the hormonal treatment they have received at the time of the study. These results, although limited by the size of the sample, could be related to the atypical cerebral morphology reported for this population in certain cortical and subcortical structures. Also, the differences founded between objective and subjective measures of stress could be due to high levels of cortisol that generate difficulties at cognitive processes so that the perception of the signs of alert would be diminished or annulled in this population, reducing their possibility to respond to potentially dangerous stimuli.

: Turner's syndrome; school stress; circadian cortisol slope.

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