Cadernos de psicanálise (Rio de Janeiro)
ISSN 1413-6295
OLIVEIRA, Karla Carolina de Sousa CASTANHO, Pablo. On the power of the group when dealing with crisis: Fotoexpression as a containing resource in face of overwhelming violent elements in a mental health ward. Cad. psicanal. []. 2021, 43, 44, pp.129-141. ISSN 1413-6295.
This article aims to discuss how a group device with therapeutic mediations can act as a containment device in a psychic crisis for both the group members and for the institution where the group occurs. This will be done through psychoanalytic conceptions about the crisis that indicates the centrality of the continence category as an intersubjective function. The group of Fotoexpression is then presented as a possible clinical resource at a mental health ward in a general hospital, intended for the treatment of severe psychic crisis. Based on the reported clinical experience, we understand that the proposed device acts as a continence prosthesis not only for the group participants but also for the institution.
: Group psychoanalysis; Crisis intervention; Therapeutic mediations; Mental health services; Photolanguage®; Fotoexpression.