Psicologia: ciência e profissão
ISSN 1414-9893
D´AUREA-TARDELI, Denise. The manifestation of solidarity in adolescents: a study of the moral personality. Psicol. cienc. prof. []. 2008, 28, 2, pp.288-303. ISSN 1414-9893.
This work analyzes the consistence between what young people think about themselves and about their projections into the future. The hypothesis is that solidarity can be a cause to construct an ethical project of life: if justice becomes real in young peoples lives, the sympathetic social participation can be central in their personality formation; if not, it would be in a peripherical position. The theorical base is inserted in Moral and Development Psychology. The method consisted on written interviews with 396 individuals of both sexes, between 16 and 18 years old. Three stories of PROM - Prosocial Reasoning Objective Measure - were used and the youngsters were asked to write a text about what kind of life they would like to have ten years from now. The results pointed out to immature individuals in current prosociality. They included other people in their plans, but in an intersubjective way. Just a small parcel of them demonstrated solidarity. The prosociality depends on a consistent moral formation that depends on the moral construction in childhood and adolescence, so that personalities can assume an ethical perspective.
: Personalidade; Solidariedade; Adolescência; Moral.