11 20O sociodrama, dispositivo de jogo cênico grupal e de acompanhamento com visada pré-terapêuticaO não violento 
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Estilos da Clinica

 ISSN 1415-7128 ISSN 1981-1624

ZORNIG, Silvia Abu-Jamra    LEVY, Lídia. Child searching for window: maternal function and trauma. Estilos clin. []. 2006, 11, 20, pp.28-37. ISSN 1415-7128.

This paper intends to discuss the relationship between trauma and maternal function. From a Freudian perspective, one can think of trauma as structural, while Winnicott indicates that the concept of trauma can be related to a rupture of maternal care or to poor environmental holding. Based on a clinical case of an adopted child who had a very difficult infancy, we would like to reflect upon psychoanalytic concepts related to the importance of early relationships for the constitution of the child’s subjectivity.

: Maternal function; Trauma; Early separation; Late adoption; Psychoanalysis.

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