20 2Interferências traumáticas da internação na UTI neonatal na capacidade de maternagem: contribuições winnicottianas a partir do conceito de Preocupação Materna PrimáriaSartre e a psicanálise existencial: apontamentos sobre o caso Jean G 
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Natureza humana

 ISSN 1517-2430

SCHLACHTER, Lina. Between evil and goodness: a study about morality from Les Miserables. Nat. hum. []. 2018, 20, 2, pp.80-89. ISSN 1517-2430.

This paper has as its goal to discuss the concept of morality in Winnicott using the characters Jean Valjean and Javert from the book Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. Jean Valjean, dealing with unemployment and his family starvation, stole a loaf of bread and was arrested for nineteen years. His penalty was worsened by four escape attempts. Javert, an absolute and intolerant policeman that escorted Jean Valjean in the jail, found the prisoner in the streets and began a story of attacks, escapes, guilt, reparation gestures and forgiveness. The character Jean Valjean is believed to have a true morality, in which there is a concern for others, and Javert a false morality, in which there is a split between right and wrong. Furthermore, the effects of the two types of morality in nowadays are discussed.

: morality; concern; splitting; contemporaneity.

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