Natureza humana
ISSN 1517-2430
DINIZ, Guilherme Grané MOURA, Alex de Campos. Hegel with Sade. Nat. hum. []. 2019, 21, spe, pp.62-82. ISSN 1517-2430.
The following paper intends to investigate topics of George Bataille's reading of Sade's works. In such reading, Bataille aims to conjugate themes found in Hegel with sadean literature. More specifically, Bataille tries to comprehend recognition dynamics, such as understood by Kojève, in the way Sade presents desire through his highly peculiar erotic literature. To achieve this, after a brief introduction, we shall see how Bataille understands the process of anthropogenesis, what from his thought on the subject can be traced back to a reading of Kojève and, lastly, how Bataille observes these elements in De Sade's works.
: Georges Bataille; Marquis de Sade; Hegel; Theory of Recognition.