Natureza humana
ISSN 1517-2430
BARBOSA, Caroline Garpelli; CAMPOS, Érico Bruno Viana NEME, Carmen Maria Bueno. Daseinsanalysis and psychoanalysis: description of how this debate takes place today. Nat. hum. []. 2020, 22, 1, pp.123-152. ISSN 1517-2430.
This study aims to exam the dialogue between Heidegger´s hermeneutic ontology and Freud´s psychoanalysis theoretical traditions, in order to describe how it has been carried out currently. Despite having a lot of arguments which question the possibility of integration between both fields, they do not enclose consensually this debate and require an updating. In the recent scenario, some researches go towards the establishment of connection points among them, without, however, disregarding the specificity of the involved theoretical fields. This way of consideration of the matter seems to be the great challenge for researchers nowadays.
: existencial psychology; psychoanalysis; Heidegger; Martin; 1889-1976; Freud; Sigmund; 1856-1939; hermeneutics.