11 1Evidência de aprendizagem na construção de teia na aranha Argiope Argentata (Araneae: Araneidae)Os assobios do porquinho-da-índia: uma proposta ontogenetico-evolutiva 
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Revista de Etologia

 ISSN 1517-2805

VASCONCELLOS, Angélica da Silva    ADES, César. Possible limits and advances of environmental enrichment for wild animals. Rev. etol. []. 2012, 11, 1, pp.37-45. ISSN 1517-2805.

The field of research in environmental enrichment aims at enhancing the welfare of captive animals through the assessment and establishment of adequate environmental and social features. It has generated significant amount of data about procedures which may reduce stress and undesirable behaviors, and promote the performance of the species-specific behaviors in captivity contexts. We here present a brief introduction on the concepts and methods used in the area followed by indications of possible advances through the integration of behavioural and physiological data, the adoption of a comparative perspective and the use of an individual approach in research and in husbandry.

: environmental enrichment; welfare; stress.

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