11 1Notas sobre o comportamento da aranha cleptoparasita Argyrodes elevatus (Theridiidae, Araneae) 
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Revista de Etologia

 ISSN 1517-2805

CRESONI-PEREIRA, Carla; MEDEIROS-SANTANA, Luanda    ZUCOLOTO, Fernando Sérgio. Associative learning in anastrepha obliqua (diptera, tephritidae) wild females and males of different ages and nutritional states. Rev. etol. []. 2012, 11, 1, pp.68-78. ISSN 1517-2805.

Adult Anastrepha obliqua fruit-flies need protein sources to promote sexual maturation and egg production. Learning can be a mechanism to improve the foraging behavior to acquire this nutrient. Learning could be defined as the acquisition of a new representation of neuronal information, and it can only be indirectly observed through its potential effect on behavior. In the present study, the occurrence or not of associative learning in A. obliqua females and males of different ages and nutritional states concerning sucrose (carbohydrate) and brewer´s yeast (protein source) was observed. Associative learning for sucrose was demonstrated in young and old females and males only when deprived of food for 2 days after the experience period. As concerns yeast, the associative learning was demonstrated in deprived young and old females only.

: associative learning; fruit flies; protein; sucrose.

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