4 1Cambios cognoscitivos en la enfermedad mental de pacientes que asisten al Programa de Hospital Día del Hospital Psiquiátrico Universitario del ValleCelos: un ejercicio de interpretación desde la perspectiva del análisis de la conducta 
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 ISSN 1794-9998

TORRE-IBARRA, Carolina De La et al. Effects of nutritional information on fruits and vegetables consumption in preschoolers children. Diversitas []. 2008, 4, 1, pp.123-137. ISSN 1794-9998.

This study evaluated effects of nutritional information about fruits and vegetables consumption. Participants were 25 children between 3 and 5 years-old, which were exposed at high and low nutritional foods. Subjects were divided in two groups (experimental and control) and exposed to four phases. Experimental group received nutritional information about dietetic habits, nutritional facts and benefits of fruits and vegetables consumption. Results showed that nutritional information modified the eating behaviour. Non-nutritious food consumption diminished, but fruits and vegetables consumption not increased. Data suggest that nutritional information modifies eating behaviour development in preschoolers, but is necessary a suitable duration and frequency with adequate reinforced in house through model of parents.

: Fruits; Vegetables; Nutritional information; Consumption; Nutritious food; Non-nutritious food.

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