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SMAD. Revista eletrônica saúde mental álcool e drogas

 ISSN 1806-6976

SMAD, Rev. Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool Drog. (Ed. port.) vol.11 no.1 Ribeirão Preto mar. 2015


DOI: 10.11606/issn.1806-6976.v11i1p1


Another year of life: the challenges of conducting a scientific journal




Each issue of a magazine should be celebrated; especially when it inaugurates a new year. A journal is a living organism, complex, needing to be fed, growing and developing, and relating to a community, contributing to it and receiving its contributions in return. This magazine has, in its mission, work that serves the area of mental health, covering the different hues of its approach, imposing difficulties on editors and peer reviewers who find themselves in the situation of sending texts for analysis to those who can contribute with constructive feedback and, before anything, availability.

On the other hand, it requires the authors to build a good account of their study. The SMAD offers detailed guidelines aimed at assisting them in this task, but it is important to remember that in the health field, where different areas of knowledge congregate and, consequently, there are different theoretical and methodological references, we search for regularities, but do not close our eyes to what is particular. With regard to mental health, more forcefully, emerges the notion of working with objects of the psychosocial universe, whose apprehension requires openness to different perspectives. So in addition to conducting well-designed research projects, it is up to the researcher to create well-built reports that will facilitate the work of analysis, increasing their chances of publication.

The agility of the flow of works received by this evaluation process depends on the quality and the overlap between the chronological date and the corresponding publication date. A magazine cannot have a discrepancy between the chronological year and year of publication. This is an important maturity index that qualifies the magazine for an index base that reaches more readers. Our magazine lives, at this stage of its life, in this condition. When I began this editorial calling for a celebration it is because, despite the difficulties, it requires a product to be better and better.

This issue, counts on the collaboration of researchers/authors dealing with the following issues: mental health problems (stress, anxiety and depression) and alcohol use among public officials of the University of São Paulo authored by Gavin and collaborators, researchers of the Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing/USP; alcohol and drug use among health professionals by David and Roche; the perception of alcohol users about their treatment, conducted in Medellin, Colombia by author Prieto; providing information about disease and treatment to psychiatric patients, authored by Seicenti and Ventura; grieving elderly widows, authored by Costa and Labate, and religion/spirituality as a protective element in drug use in adolescents by Felipe, Carvalho, and  Andrade.

Reading these works show a wide range of methodological strategies and theoretical frameworks that express the complexity of the issues and the exchanges between different areas of knowledge.

It can subsidize other work and thus fulfill the role of circulating knowledge about issues affecting the mental health of people in the different contexts in which they find themselves.

Happy reading!

Ana Maria de Pimenta Carvalho
Co-editor, SMAD - Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool e Drogas. Associate Professor, Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, e-mail: amalmeid@eerp.usp.br