Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia
ISSN 1808-4281
ALVES, Pedro M. S.. Empathy and being-to-another: Husserl and Sartre before the intersubjectivity issue. Estud. pesqui. psicol. []. 2008, 8, 2. ISSN 1808-4281.
This article discusses the intersubjectivity issue in Husserl and Sartre. It goes over Sartres être-pour-autrui (being-to-another) theory and Husserls Einfühlung, of intropathy theory (or the empathy theory, to use a term of current use), as background form of another subjects experience. As for Husserls thoughts, the author examines the existence of a methodological solipsism, meant to demonstrate the meaning of subjectivity is communitarian intersubjectivity, in both empathy and communication. In Sartres writings, however, there is an opening affirmative of another with the unsurpassable presence of a liberty which annihilates my own, allowing me to see in it just my own image as an object, and which, encapsules me forever in gloomy loneliness.
: Husserl; Sartre; Intersubjectivity; Empathy.