Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia
ISSN 1808-4281
MAIA, Gabriela Felten da. Body and old age in the contemporaneity. Estud. pesqui. psicol. []. 2008, 8, 3. ISSN 1808-4281.
The undeniable attention given to the body in the society inspired the construction of this work, since the current imperatives are the beauty, the form and the strenght. The oldness and the inevitability of the death are presented for this ideal as bothering that must be moved away through diverse habits "healthy" and rejuvenating, the gymnastics, the cosmetics, the vitamins, procedures aesthetic surgical, among others. The way of being old, then, not more passes to be configured by negative stereotype, but from an life style where the aged ones are presented as healthful, good-tempered, involved, productive and self-confident. Bodies that exceed the marks of the time, athletical, firm and smooth. Thus, those that do not adhere to these life style can become deviant, strange, old, exceeded and need, therefore, be discarded or conjured. Considering these questions, the present work, propose to argue on the subject oldness, body and society, in the attempt of question on the current ways of subjectivation and the aging in the contemporaneity.
: Old age; Body; Subjectivity; Society.