Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia
ISSN 1808-4281
PRANGE, Ana Paula Lobão. "Who gives more, charges more!": An analysis about the job of bus driver in a specific context. Estud. pesqui. psicol. []. 2011, 11, 2, pp.551-565. ISSN 1808-4281.
The goal of this article is analyze the prescribed work norms and the antecedent norms of the bus drivers work in a specific context. The reported study was inspired in the concepts given respectively for the Ergonomy and the Ergology, and in the observations from another research about bus journeys in Rio de Janeiro (CAIAFA, 2002). It counted also with a qualitative research methodology that sought to analyze the language used by the person responsible for the transmission of prescribed work norms and the antecedent norms of a certain company to its employees. The content for analyze was collected from two situations: an interview held with an inspector, with the assignments to observe, monitor and correct aspects of the bus driver’s work and conductor’s work, and the participant observation of a process of integration for admitted workers in the already mentioned company.
: Prescribed work norms; Antecedents work norms; Bus drivers.