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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

 ISSN 1808-4281

CANAL, Fabiana Davel    TAVARES, Gilead Marchezi. Legalization of life and sentences and alternative measures: compositions, tensioning, problematizations. Estud. pesqui. psicol. []. 2014, 14, 1, pp.239-263. ISSN 1808-4281.

The aim of this article was to consider the "Legalization of Life" by examining the practices that support this phenomenon, as well as its effects on the lifestyle of people who are in direct contact with the justice system, serving Alternative Measures Programs (AMPs). In order to do so, the methodology used was the research diary, containing the authors' experience on the Human Rights course for people serving AMPs, as well as five semi-structured interviews with members of that course. Based on the Archeogenealogy by Foucault, there was an effort to identify the built practices, the truth stated, the institutions used and so on. Therefore, the judicialization is seen as a complex phenomenon that includes easy access to the judiciary, what allows requesting its intervention in our lives, as well as appreciating the punitive culture, making us every day judges.

: legalization; alternative measures; archeogenealogy.

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