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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

 ISSN 1808-4281

SCORSOLINI-COMIN, Fabio. The multicultural counseling elements applied to psychotherapy in the ethnopsychological context. Estud. pesqui. psicol. []. 2015, 15, 2, pp.587-607. ISSN 1808-4281.

This theoretical study aims to reflect on the main aspects of the multicultural counseling that can be applied to ethnopsychological interventions, in the context of the psychological practices occurred in a backyard of Umbanda. We emphasize the typical elements of multicultural counseling adopted by the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development. The demands do not refer to spirituality, but the professionals must constantly consider the religious universe of immersion of these clients. The psychologist must not only welcome these records, but also understand them within a complex reference model that takes into account the cultural self-awareness, sensitivity to own cultural heritage as well as the need to recognize their discomfort sources with the differences that exist between them and the clients in terms of ethnicity and culture, considering the purpose of a practice psychological mixed and diverse.

: ethnopsychiatry; psychological counseling; psychotherapy; culture.

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