17 3A Pesquisa IRDI e seus desdobramentos: Uma revisão da literaturaAliança terapêutica, vinculação parental e sintomatologia de pacientes adultos que iniciam psicoterapia 
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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

 ISSN 1808-4281

SANS, Ana Inés Heras Monner. Revisiting Sándor Ferenczi in light of current educational practices. Estud. pesqui. psicol. []. 2017, 17, 3, pp.1162-1180. ISSN 1808-4281.

I analyze the pedagogical orientation of a team of educators who run an educational center (CEIA hereafter) in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, that provides elementary public schooling to children, youth and adults living in extremely challenging conditions (i.e., have difficulties accessing basic health-care, work, education and housing). I focus on establishing connections between their work and that of Sandor Ferenczi´s original notion of mutual analysis. For this purpose, I first present some aspects of the historical context in which Ferenczi lived and developed his theory, showing that mutuality was an orientation that permeated his life and work. I thus analyze two pedagogical devices identified at the CEIA in light of the framework of mutuality, following which I present a discussion that highlights the relationship between the educators' approach, which I identify as clinical-educational, and Ferenczi's notion of mutuality. I conclude that Ferenczi's ideas -novel at the time- are still current, if not novel, provided we ask what can be learned from them. My methodology combines a historical perspective with ethnography and sociolinguistics in two respects: analyzing the educators' pedagogical framework, and examining historical data in that light.

: Ferenczi; education; collaborative ethnography.

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