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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

 ISSN 1808-4281

SALES, Cecilia Gardenia de; AVELAR, Telma Costa de    ALESSIO, Renata Lira dos Santos. Childbirth in high-risk pregnancy: social representations of women who had their first child. Estud. pesqui. psicol. []. 2018, 18, 1, pp.303-320. ISSN 1808-4281.

Childbirth is a natural phenomenon that involves different aspects of women's life, although it is a healthy event, in some cases, there may be unfavorable clinical conditions, such as high-risk pregnancy. Considering this peculiarity, this study aimed to analyze the social representations of normal birth for women who gave birth in this condition, in order to discuss the birth assistance from elements listed by them. The participants were 15 mothers, adults. A socioeconomic questionnaire and on obstetric issues to better characterize the sample was used. The results show that the representations of childbirth are structured from hegemonic conceptions related to childbirth and maternity. With regard to assistance resulting ambiguity of the meeting between interventionists and humanized practices are highlighted. Expected to contribute to the debate in the field of health care of women, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary exchanges in the theoretical and practical spheres. It aims to mobilize further questions about delivery care, increasing the possibility of overcoming the current paradigm and improvements in obstetric care.

: childbirth; pregnancy; high-risk; humanization in childbirth.

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