20 2A Memória das Comunidades Eclesiais de Base à Luz da Psicologia da Libertação 
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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

 ISSN 1808-4281

COSTA, Pedro Henrique Antunes da    MENDES, Kíssila Teixeira. Fatalism Dialectics: from the Fatalism of Individuals to that of the Order. Estud. pesqui. psicol. []. 2020, 20, 2, pp.682-702. ISSN 1808-4281.  https://doi.org/10.12957/epp.2020.52593.

This work aims to carry out a critical rescue of the concept of fatalism of Martín-Baró, in the light of the Brazilian reality. In this process, we will make its dialectical nature explicit, from the movements of resignation and revolt, in individual and/or collective perspectives. It is a theoretical research, whose discussion was based on the author's formulations, on secondary literature about the concept, productions about the Brazilian formation process and, in it, contexts of poverty and economic-political exploitation, as well as data about our reality and illustrative national artistic manifestations. In addition to the facet of resignation of fatalism, pointed out by Martín-Baró, we highlight its dialectical relationship with the revolt and between individual and collective possibilities. So, how to transform the fatalism of individuals towards perspectives of revolt capable of causing structural ruptures in this sociability? And how can Brazilian Psychology contribute to this? The possibilities of passing from a fatalism of individuals to that of order, based on the praxis of Brazilian psychologists or as a general worldview, are: (1) recovery of historical memory; (2) strengthen the popular organization; (3) the understanding and acting as a working class; (4) strengthen objective community conditions and (5) conscientization as a horizon of Psychology.

: poverty; subjectivity; dialectics; psychology; Latin America.

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