20 Pensando o Círculo Hermenêutico como um Caminho para a Pesquisa em Psicologia"Psicologia Fenomenológica" de Husserl - a (In)compreensão de Psicólogos Brasileiros: Um Estudo Empírico 
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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

 ISSN 1808-4281

MACIEL, Josemar de Campos    TREVIZAN, Marcio Bogaz. Experience and Transformation of World Perception in Pierre Hadot. Estud. pesqui. psicol. []. 2020, 20, spe, pp.1049-1065. ISSN 1808-4281.  https://doi.org/10.12957/epp.2020.56650.

The text presents the genesis and importance of the concept of "Oceanic Feeling", based on Pierre Hadot. Beyond a well-known historian of ideas, Hadot is a consistent philosopher, holding the heritage of a contribution, which straddles between phenomenology and historical philosophy, in a practical vision of human experience and activity. The core of this vision is inspired by a particular conception of the relationship between man and reality, which he develops around a progression of experiences, refining the concept of "Oceanic Feeling", which he borrows from other authors. In this text we present that elaboration, which Hadot executes linking experience and reflection. Still, we argue that it is from there that one can support the merit of Hadot for a special place in the history of the twentieth century: in an interstitial space between history and experience, to do philosophy. In the first moment of this text we start from Hadot's writings and interviews to present the genesis of the notion of "Oceanic Feeling" in his work. Next, we outline in broad strokes the density of the concept, which serves philosophical reflection, and which also has great potential for the study of human experience.

: human experience; oceanic feeling; Pierre Hadot.

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